Supreme Internet Marketing Tips
Fritz Lorenz Supreme Internet Marketing Tips: Successful Internet Marketing tips, Internet Marketing Tools and Internet Marketing Strategies.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Free Traffic Exchanges - Are They Worth the Surf
PPC also known as pay per click advertising, Are provided mostly by top search engine companies. It can bring you a ton of traffic almost instantly. That traffic also has to be a good quality source of visitors. You don't want potential customers that are looking for baby clothing and you are offering dog products. In the beginning putting up a website to make money with was sort of like this, you know, get a website, pay for traffic, viola instant income. But now, if you don't follow the rules of these search engines it can cost you big time. Not knowing how to properly group your keywords, can practically run you out of business.
What some people has considered doing, is surf for traffic. In the internet world it is called traffic exchanges. Are they any good?, Well that depends on what you decide to promote with them. First, a brief Description on what exactly is a traffic exchange, also known as a Hit exchange. Traffic exchanges Are membership type website solely for one purpose, deliver traffic to your site by viewing or surfing other member sites.
Most traffic exchanges are based on a click for a click system that is on a timer, that varies from five seconds up to 30 seconds. Yes that is right, you would have to view other members websites on a timer. Which then gives you credit so your site can be viewed as well. There are various types of traffic exchanges such as Manual, autosurf, free and paid versions.
The manual version is just how I explain above, which is the click for a click type of a traffic exchange. Auto surf, which I don't recommend, is exactly what it is, an auto surfing exchange. When autosurfing, you wouldn't have to view other people websites. Members can just switch it on and leave it scrolling from site to site while say making dinner. No one needs to actually see your page and in my experience many if not all don't. The common use of traffic exchanges is promoting other traffic exchanges to the members. If they decide to join, that actually builds your downline which increases your traffic points on those exact exchanges.
When marketing on a traffic exchange, the best types of website to use are called splash pages. Their are also known as a landing pages and sometimes squeeze pages. It's a simply one page doorway to your main site. Because of the timer, people want actually scroll your site, but are more likely to fill out your capture form to visit your site later. So are they any good?, Well in most cases theirs about 150 - 300 surfers at any giving time surfing these types of sites. Using this type of traffic generation only, I would say NO. If used as a combination with other marketing methods, it doesn't hurt. I say use the traffic exchanges as part of your marketing efforts. Don't be miss lead because the site says it has thousands of members in them, my experience Only a few hundred surfs at it time, so you do the math.
Fritz Lorenz is an up and coming Internet Marketer. That has partnered up with top industry marketers, to teach people How to make an extra stream of income, To reinvest into there passion.
To Learn more about traffic generation Visit Fritz's Big Ticket To wealth website
Where Total Beginners To Internet Marketing Can Make Money Online, Season Pro's welcome
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
CB Pirate, The Next Money Maker With ClickBank
Hi Fellow netpreneurs
Making a good living online really isn't
rocket science...
You already got what it takes... Even if
you don't know it yet...
The simplest and easiest way to get
started, hands down, is to sell products
from Clickbank...
=> CB Pirate
The beauty of selling Clickbank products
is you don't need to go the time, trouble
and expense of creating your own product...
That saves you a TON of time and hassle, and
you can become profitable that much faster...
You just select from dozens of top-selling
products in all the hottest niches around...
But... You have no doubt seen (and probably
purchased) tons of CB "how-to" courses and
products claiming to teach you how to make
HUGE $$$ with Clickbank.
Well, for the first time ever, Soren and
Cindy have taken it to the next level...
Instead of trying to TEACH you how they make
massive Clickbank commissions and leaving
you to try to emulate their methods, they
have actually created an entire "plug-in-and
profit" system that does all the hard work for
you - practically on auto-pilot!
=> CB Pirate
Look, it's not your fault you haven't become
successful online yet...
The so-called online gurus blatantly lie to you...
They make everything sound so complicated and
difficult, and they pretend to be the only
ones with the solution for you...
They just want your money... but it doesn't
have to cost an arm and a leg to create
a growing, profitable sustainable
business online...
=> CB Pirate
Check it out... this is your chance to have
the easy life you've dreamed of... much
sooner than you may think!
To your success,
Fritz Lorenz
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Whatever you do, Don't Join!!

Okay, so what is
To be totally honest, I cannot fault it any way whatsoever and if you continue reading you will soon find out why...
The concept behind is really very simply. It was developed by Craig Haywood (or the blue guy) who is also the owner of highly successful sites like,, and
From the above sites you can probably deduct that Craig focuses heavily on Viral Marketing which is good when you consider what he's done with
A quick summary of the IPP homepage reveals that IPP is a resell rights product website which integrates with mlm through viral marketing, but that doesn't even begin to lift the layers of nice goodies. In Fact, Jane Mark from describes it better...
"I know. It's resale rights gone MLM and viral but that doesn't tell half the story. People who have no idea how to sell resale products have it made.
You set it for them You give them autoresponder sales letters and new, jazzy sales pages to work with. You give them all the viral tools to sell the products and they sit back and relax.
They don't have to do a thing. I love it.
They can even let people know by twitter that they have a new product for sale right from the members area by just popping in their twitter information."
Here is how it works...
Every member of IPP get a product store where all products in the store (supplied by Craig) is linked to your own domain name. (which you create free when you join)
Every month Craig ads 3 new products to the store, does the ad copy for you, integrate an auto responder follow-up series for you (which he hosts on your behalf). He also ties viral marketing to every product to ensure your visitors multiplies your selling efforts as well as social network marketing through the means of Twitter Tweets. Btw., if you join IPP Craig also helps you to virally grow your Twitter followers
Now, this is where it gets interesting. This is the first and only program I know of you can make a substantial income from without even paying a dime (although the pro benefits are exceptional...more on that later).
As a free member you will get 50% commission for any product sold from your store. The member who referred you will also get $2 for every product you sell, as will the member who referred them. Going pro makes this even more lucrative.
Every time you sell a product to someone, they will also get an option to join IPP (under you), so this makes it easy to get in more people underneath you, however, Craig has gone the full 9 yards to ensure getting signups is as easy as possible, by also providing you with a tracker that virally promotes itself (in other words, affiliate links you advertise) as well as your IPP products at the same time.
At the same time, you will also have access to all the information of people who buy from your store, which means you can import leads into your auto responder of known buyers.
Going Pro...
I am not going to tell you the price to be a pro member as this violates Craig's terms of service. What I can tell you is that is that it is so low I thought it was a joke, but on a more serious note, it gives you the opportunity to rake in a small fortune every month.
As a pro member you will also earn 100% on all products in your store paid directly to your PayPal account. If you don't have PayPal, Craig also provides you with another option that is globally accepted.
Something which made me realise Craig thought of everything is the pro member affiliate benefit. Since you get 100% profit on products in your store, it is only fitting that you should be able to get affiliates to promote your products for you.
As a pro member, each product in your store is set up with your own affiliate program which pays out 50% to your affiliates and 50% to you. All of this is handled without you having to do anything. The system even recruits affiliates for you.
Final Thoughts...
The system is a rare gem. It is a full stay at home program where no skills are required from you. Everything, and I mean everything is done on your behalf.
I know you have probably heard the term: "You've never seen anything like this." a thousand times before, but this time it is true.
This is one program I am giving a rating of 12 out of 10.
Hint: When you log in for the first time, you will be presented with a one time offer to go pro. While you can still upgrade later at a price which is still a joke, I highly recommend you do it when you are presented with the oto as it is the lowest you will ever get it at.
Click here to visit
Monday, March 16, 2009 Hot Place to advertise your Home business or Product services
Home business...
Anything you can think of...
Yes I'm an a affiliate of there services
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Business World List Review - Get More Website Traffic
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Stop Affiliate Link High Jackers...Dead In there Tracks
affiliate commissions.
I'm writing to you today because of some disturbing
information I've uncovered in my research on affiliate
marketing - Affiliate Commission Theft.
It's the least known yet most widespread Internet
marketing problems for ebook publishers, writers, and
resellers. In short, what I found was, if you use affiliate
programs in any way, shape or form, people are almost
certainly stealing YOUR money!
How much? Up to 30% of all affiliate commissions are
"hijacked" or bypassed, often by customers who either put
their own affiliate IDs in where yours should be or who
"chop off" affiliate links at the end of URLs.
SOLUTION: I've discovered software to help even the least
technically-minded person stop the "affiliate link
hijackers" dead in their tracks!
Click Here Now
=> Affiliate Link Cloaker
It's called "Affiliate Link Cloaker," and is it ever easy to
use! While it has some very sophisticated technology and
actually encrypts your affiliate link, all you need to use
it is a PC and Web site. No technical skills required!
In fact, in five simple steps that take only a few minutes,
you can make any product you sell as an affiliate look like
it has its own page on your site.
Your affiliate link will literally disappear. People won't
even realize you're selling it as an affiliate!
Plus, you can use the program for a whole bunch of other
nifty things, INCLUDING listing other people's products
(with your hidden affiliate link) on the search engines! (I
know that sounds technically impossible, but it's actually
very easy with Affiliate Link Cloaker.)
This software was tested on 3 live projects and went through
12 revisions. It's now idiot-proof and "ready for prime time!"
Click Here Now
=> Affiliate Link Cloaker
The developer showed it to the real hard-core techie-
experts, the ones who would rip a hole a mile wide in it if
they found anything wrong with it. Not only did they love
it, but they won't give it back! :)
Here's what they're saying:
"Anyone utilizing affiliate program links must have your new
affiliate link cloaker as part of their marketing arsenal.
I am recommending this to everyone I know!"
-Armand Morin, Developer, eCover Generator software
"After losing $1000's of dollars in the past to affiliate
hijackers, I now feel safe again, thanks to this remarkable
new tool."
- Gene Ramos, Owner, Digital 360 Web Hosting
"It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or a Super
Affiliate, the cloaker will increase the amount of money you
make from affiliate programs!"
- Neil Shearing, Developer, Internet Success Spider
Because you are a subscriber, I'm letting you know about
this product at the low introductory price - but you have to
act now if you want to get almost 40% off the full price,
for a limited time.
With all the money you'll save with this easy-to-use
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The introductory special offer EXPIRES soon -
so to get the best deal...
Click Here Now
=> Affiliate Link Cloaker
By the way, you'll still get a full three-month
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of time to let the Affiliate Link Cloaker prove itself to
you, so you can try it out with full confidence.
Why let hijackers help themselves to your earnings? Protect
yourself today with Affiliate Link Cloaker!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Internet Marketing has been getting all the hype lately